Download The rates of merchandize, as settled by the acts of 12 Car. II. cap. 4. 11 Geo. I. cap. 7. and subsequent acts of Parliment; with the duties and drawbacks payable on all goods imported, exported, and carried coastwise book
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Author: Great Britain. Customs Establishment
Date added: 27.07.2012

111216 the 62740 of 52459 and 49683 to - Faculty of Humanities
The rates of merchandize, as settled by the acts of 12 Car. II. cap. 4. 11 Geo. I. cap. 7. and subsequent acts of Parliment; with the duties and drawbacks payable on all goods imported, exported, and carried coastwise
429 4 428 able 427 become 426 tis 425 church 424 read 65 acts 65 soldier 65 eleven 65 inclination 65 text 61 cap 61 apply 61 aid 61 labor 61 fortnight 61 shock
111216 the 62740 of 52459 and 49683 to - Faculty of Humanities
The rates of merchandize, as settled by the acts of 12 Car. II. cap. 4. 11 Geo. I. cap. 7. and subsequent acts of Parliment; with the duties and drawbacks payable on all goods imported, exported, and carried coastwise
111216 the 62740 of 52459 and 49683 to - Faculty of Humanities 111216 the 62740 of 52459 and 49683 to - Faculty of Humanities